Dan, Alex, Jake, Laura and a few other woodhouse people were meant to go bowling but we just ended up messing around in the arcade and going to nando's :D
Then I had to work D': it was awful, but Alex texted me throughout and kept me happy :D

Saturday was Roman's party, and if I do say so myself I looked quite alright (see picture to the left)
Tie was Cameron's. Big pearly necklace was Ayla's, lace cardigan thingy was Lydia's.
But the rest was mine :)
However I must confess I didn't have much fun at all.
The party was always going to be a bit awkward because of the mix (old Highgate friends with new La Swap friends) however it was alright for a while. However the majority of the Highgate people left early (Doug, Rufus, Cameron, Alison, Laura, Alex) and so I didn't have very many people to talk to (I was the sad loner girl shivering in the corner).
And then I woke up and brought that shit mood across into Sunday. I ate too much cake on sunday D: so I felt ill.
Monday was alright, I think. I don't quite remember what I did, so it probably wasn't anything special.

Anna came over at about one thirty/ two-ish and we were going to go to American Apparel but it was all rainy and horrible and so we watched LOADS of Love Hina instead ^^
And ate pancakes :D
And then we went to see the lovely looking man on the side there :3
THE MISERABLE RICH, check them out ;)
It was soo amazing :D
I almost cried, and Ayla actually did (which is saying something)
So I <3 3="" href="http://mylemoncakecalledmike.blogspot.com/" nbsp="">Emily :D :D :D
We were meant to go Ice Skating but it was so completely packed that they stopped selling tickets! They had run out of about five different shoes sizes.
So we went to H&M instead, and bought ourselves some pretty stuff :D
I got me an oversized blue jean looking jumper and an equally oversized black vest top :D
And that leads us to today.
It means now neither of us will have clothes :'( plus I'll actually just miss her.
But c'est la vie, eh?
Happy Blogging :D
Lots of love,
Little Newman