
Thursday, 3 February 2011

Hola Amigos!


Actually that should be Bene Notte, or something, right? Because it's currently 20.46...
I don't know why I don't stick to French, the language I'm learning. Or, better yet, English. The language I'm at least meant to know.

D'accord, I'm posting to tell you about my friend's blog, peaceful anarchism. It's about, believe it or not, peaceful anarchism. He's just started it now, and has his first post up. I recommend it to you all, whether you believe in anarchy or not. It's very good :) and my standards are pretty high currently.

So, January's been a bit of a rubbish month, true to form. For a week or two I was bloody upset and then for the last week, I'd been doing coursework for Lit, which was a true killer. Srsly, I was exhausted.
I'm hoping February will be better but I doubt it. History coursework deadline is loooming and I started it off badly. So, just as our good friend Boris Pasternack wrote:
Fevrale! Dostat chernil y plakat!
Pisat o Fevrale navzryd
Poka grahochu schuya slykot
Vesnaryu charnoyu garit.

Or, for those who are to lazy to trawl the Regina Spektor fan forums for translations (apparently the only places where translations exist), that is:
February! Pick up your pen and weeping
Of February' in sobs and inks
Wrrite poems, while the slush in thunder
Is burning in the black of spring.

Apparently, it doesn't translate well. But you get the overall feeling of the poem, which is that february is not such a good month in which to be alive. Then again, who knows which calendar Pasternack was writing to. I have so much respect for Russian poets.
However, I'm going to see Frankenstein TWICE which I'm ecstatic about :) The Miserable Rich are returning to little old London town in the spring =3 soooooo happy.

Ugh, I'm so exhausted all the time, I'm not really sure what's going on with me. I want to read and write but I can't very well. I'm reading my lit books though, which is a first.

Happy Blogging
Love you all
Little Newman