You have been sorely neglected by me once again, dearest blog, for which I am intensely sorry TT__TT I have no excuse.
On other notes, however...
This week, I've been to see Cabin Pressure be recorded un... deux... TROIS times. Stalker much...
I'd never listened to it before, so I didn't know what to expect. I got particularly anxious when we were queuing, and there were many -erm- elderly people hanging around. I was, therefore, pleasantly surprised when I found it to be actually really very funny. Not to mention that I fell in love with pretty much the entire cast...
This picture is taken from Monday (before the heavens opened and I got drenched right through to my bones...)
The shirt I found in my mothers bedroom. It was my aunt's, apparently. beautiful cream silk from Wallis. The skirt and shoes, by contrast, are last year's from Primark :') The headscarf is one of my mothers from an age ago. I'll not lie, I felt very pretty and summery.
However, when it rained, i just felt cold and see though...
This book is what I'm currently focusing most of my attention on reading. I've been reading it for a fair while now- over a month, but I'm not very far in... that'll be the A2s kicking my arse. But from what I've read of it so far it's awesome.
So, I urge you all to read it. Also being read (or purporting to be read) by myself is Samson Agonistes by Milton.
I opened it, fearing that it would be like trying to read Chaucer, but again, pleasantly surprised. I'm actually enjoying it (or what I've read of it.)
I also need to finish reading Anna Karenina before the film is made! I'm very excited for the film, although as a general rule I am not in agreement with film adaptations of books as they don't follow the story line closely enough. But this is different, due (almost solely, I'll own) to the absolutely gorgeous cast.
So, this has been a post my dears.
Thank you for reading through my ramblings about clothes and literature.
Joyeuse Paques!!!
Happy Blogging
Lots of Love
Little Newman