
Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Recension: Sommarboken | Review: The Summer Book

Jag har läst färdigt Sommarboken av Tove Jansson under veckan och jag tyckte att den var fantastiskt. Hennes sätt att skriva är magiskt: boken och orden förvandlade världen omkring mig till den lilla ö där Sophia, farmorn och pappan tillbringar somrarna. Jag kunde höra allt de hörde, jag kunde se vad de såg och luften i mitt rum började nästan lukta salt och hav.

I finished reading The Summer Book by Tove Jansson during the week, and I thought it was fantastic. Her writing style is magical: the book and the words transformed the world around me into the little island where Sophia and Grandmother and Father spend their summers. I could hear everything they heard, I could see what they saw and the air in my room began to almost smell like salt and the sea.

Boken innehåller flera berättelser. De flesta av dem handlar om Sophia och hennes farmor, vad de gjorde och deras samtal. Men naturen tar också stor plats. Så här börjar den första berättelsen:

The book contains several stories. The majority of them are about Sophia and her grandmother, what they did and their conversations. But nature has a big role also. This is how the first story begins:

’Det var en tidig mycket varm morgon i juli och det hade regnat på natten. Det nakna berget ångade men mossan och skrevorna var dränkta av fukt och alla färger hade fördjupats.’

'It was a very warm early morning in July and it had rained over the night. The naked mountain steamed, but the moss and the and the crevices were drenched in moisture and all colours had deepened.'

Området är viktigt. Sophia, farmorn och pappan interagerar lika mycket med området som med varandra – pappan faktiskt verkar interagera med området mer än med sin familj. De interagerar också genom området. De tar promenader eller åker båt tillsammans, de arbetar i trädgården tillsammans, om det verkligen kan kallas för trädgård. Ön känns som en karaktär i sig, tyst men inte så tyst som pappan.

The area is important. Sophia and Grandmother and Father interact as much with each other as with the area - in fact, Father seems to interact more with the area than with his family. They also interact through the area. They take walks, or travel by boat together, they work in the garden together, if it can really be called a garden. The island feels like a character in and of itself, quiet, but not as quiet as Father.

Jag önskar att jag kunde berömma den här boken ännu mer, men mina enkla ord och lovord räcker inte. Så måste jag säger åt er som inte har läst boken än: gör det nu!

I wish that I could sing this book's praises more, but my simple words and commendations aren't enough. So instead I'll say to all who haven't read the book: do it now!

A note: This book is set on an island in the Gulf of Finland, and is written by Fenno-swedish author Tove Jansson. Therefore, for the European reading challenge it counts for Finland, although I read and reviewed it in Swedish.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

Yes, this will be yet another reading challenge sign up. The Mount TBR Reading Challenge is hosted on My Readers Block, and the goal is to read books from your TBR Pile. Does what it says on the tin.

I'm going to be aiming for the lowest possible 'peak', Pike's Peak. After all, from there the only way is up. This means that I'll be aiming to read at least 12 books from my TBR this year. Wish me luck!

The reviews for my challenge can be found here.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Recension: Mio, min Mio | Review: Mio, my Mio

Mio, min Mio av Astrid Lindgren är en fantastiskt vacker bok. Det är den första bok jag har läst av Astrid Lindgren som inte handlar om Pippi Långstrump, så var jag ganska förvånad. Den var mycket mer lyrisk och ledsen, det som var mycket oväntad. Historien handlar om Bo Vilhelm Olsson, en 9-årige föräldralöst pojke. Han hittar sin far, konungen av Landet i Fjärran, och fick namnet Mio från honom. Som konungens barn måste Mio kampa emot den riddar Kato, en ond varelse som har rövat bort många av Landet i Fjärrans barn.

Mio, my Mio by Astrid Lindgren is an amazingly beautiful book. It is the first non-Pippi Longstocking book I have read by her, and I was quite surprised. This book is much more lyrical and sadder than the Pippi books, which I didn't expect. It's about Bo Vilhelm Olsson, a 9 year old Orphan who becomes Mio when he finds his father, the King of The Faraway Land*. As the child of the King, Mio must fight against the knight Kato, an evil being that has abducted many of the children of The Faraway Land.

Jag hade en känsla av sorg och vemod hela tiden när jag läste denna bok. Till och med när Mio lekte i Landet i Fjärran och berättade om hur trevligt han hade det där kände jag hans sorg. Skrivningen var väldigt enkelt och lätt att förstå, men det bara gjorde sorgen ännu mer klar. Astrid Lindgren var inte alls rädd för att visa mörkret i den här boken, trots att den är en barnbok. Det är ingen förvåning att så många vuxna kunna njuta av den har boken och jag ser verkligen fram emot att läsa Astrid Lindgrens andra böcker, om de är såhär.

I felt a strain of sadness and melanchol throughout this book. I could feel Mio's sadness even when he played in the Faraway Land and recounted what fun he had there. The writing was very simple and easy to understand, but that only made the sadness clearer. Astrid Lindgren wasn't at all afraid of showing darkness in this book, even though it is a children's book. It's no surprise that so many aduts can enjoy this book, and I am really looking forward to reading her other books, if they are like this one.

*My own translation.

Saturday, 2 January 2016

Books in translation challenge

So here is the second of the two reading challenges I wanted to join. The books in translation is literally just that - reading books in translated. And, as I love translated literature, and languages,  figure this is a great challenge for me. I'm not really sure how many translated books I currently have to be read, but I figure that for now, I'll aim for 'Bilingual', that is 7-9 books.

The challenge is hosted on The Introverted Reader, where you will find full details.

The reviews for my challenge can be found here.