
Saturday 6 November 2010

This month, as some of you may know, is NaNoWriMo.
I am six days in and already it's pulling my brain out of my ears; and I'm behind on my word count for today.
And I have to work tonight.
I'm so tired, but I think I'm doing well.

Good luck to all of you Nanoers out here
Happy Blogging to everyone else
Lots of Love,
Little Newman


Anonymous said...

Nanowrimo is so incredibly daunting that every year I just wuss out and read the blogs of everyone tearing their hair out trying to do it. So, on that note, good luck!

And Ben Barnes is simply too lovely to play Dorian. Especially once you've watched him play Prince Caspian.


Little Newman said...

Haha, it's daunting but I'm doing really rather well this year, which is nice :D
Give it a go next year, it's actually rather fun, if you don't mind NanO fever, :')
And thankyou!

I've decided that actually the only person who could play our Dorian. I think Dorian could only be played by a young, rather androgynous girl.
This is my view on things :') haha! And I've never seen Prince Caspian, mainly because I didn't like the books.
